Clueless Chronicles...

Thinking out loud...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The one with the end of an era

Frankly this blog is like 6 days overdue. Was thinking about putting this in right after i heard it but it was too late and nite and I was sleepy. BTW, please forgive the messenger-style spelling.

I was tuning in to WaFM during the last night they were on air. Only manage to catch a short snippet of it but it was enough to really make me reflect. There I was driving home from somewhere when I switched over to 97.6 only to hear a bunch of people singing live on the radio (some good, some not so good). So instinctively, I figured it was just a bunch of guest that were on the radio doing the last show. It turns out, I was half right. It was most of the DJs from the radio station, gathering in the studio one last time, and having the time of their lives broadcasting their final show with that station. It was their last broadcast with the station and they decided to have an on-air karaoke session.

Kinda gets you thinking huh... After being a part of something for so long, watching it grow to a level of success that you never imagine it would, and then seeing it fall right through your fingertips, how hard is it for you to say goodbye... especially with a group of people who have been with you through thick and thin. One word... EMOTIONAL... Talk about going out with a BANG...

Goodbye WaFM... My salute to you and your DJs...

I guess now, many people will be waiting to see the new and improved radio station.


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