Clueless Chronicles...

Thinking out loud...

Monday, January 15, 2007

The one where a decision was made

People say that the choices that you make defines who you are. Well, I just made a decision that made me realize how I do not like people moving my cheese. Two blogs ago, I came to a very familiar crossroads where the choice that I made here would change my life (of course it's not so exaggerated lar, but that's what makes blogging interesting). Well, just to recap, this was what I was facing.

a) New job, new MNC company, better pay but have to start at the bottom of the ladder
b) Old job, old company, more seniority, less pay but promises of a better tomorrow

And guess which did I choose? I chose the latter. So basically what I did was that I put all my gambling chips on one bet based solely on words that was spoken to me by a superior. I admit that it is a big gamble, given the alternative, but I have made my decision, and I am determined not to regret my decision, come what may.

While others choose management skeptism, I choose to give people a chance until they screw me over. Why?? I figured, new year + new management = new hope...

Live or die, I will ride this wave out until it decides to wipe me out, or until I conquer it...


  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger Annice said…

    here I admire someone who can make right decision for themselves and bare with whatever circumstances come later rather than blaming and regreting later, salute bro ! Have a good year a head !

  • At 5:31 PM, Blogger eggwheat said…

    Thanks for the encouragement...

  • At 1:46 AM, Blogger © k.a.y.l.e.e.© said…

    BARE with whatever circumstances??
    Hmmmmm....I wanna see that!!

    (Sorry I can't help it!)

  • At 6:36 PM, Blogger Annice said…

    hmm ... seems like you complaint too much of the decisions you have made to Kay a lot huh .... ehheheheh

  • At 6:39 PM, Blogger eggwheat said…

    Of course lar... my buddy lar...


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