Clueless Chronicles...

Thinking out loud...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The one with unresolved issues

I still have two issues that I need resolved but there is nothing I can do to make things run faster. Firstly, my damn package that is stuck at Customs is still there. Due to the raya holidays, I had to wait until after that to fax in my request to get them to deliver it to me (keeping in mind that I will be charged probably about RM 100 for something that should not be charged...), and it is so friggin' hard to call them to confirm if they will be sending or if they are rejecting my request. To make matters worse, it is coming to the end of the year, so things are going to be really really slow. I don't know about other places, but in Kajang, the postal services usually becomes so delayed especially after raya, that you will be receiving your current month's credit card bill two months after the due date. So now I am still waiting and trying to get them to send me my DVDs.

Secondly, I am yet to see how those "opportunities" are going to roll out before I can even consider making a decision on which way I want to go. I was once told that being indecisive in making decision can only end up in lost opportunities, so I am trying to be really careful about approaching this problem. But till now, there is still no response from one opportunity, while the other... well let's just say that things are getting a bit quiet over here (partially thanks to me keeping my mouth shut about some things).

So many concerns, and so little time to worry about it... Damn...!!!!


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