Clueless Chronicles...

Thinking out loud...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The one with the island

Maybe surrounded by, a million people, I still feel all alone...
This was taken from the lyrics of Michael Buble's song, Going Home. We all live in a world where we are surrounded by so many people; friends, family... But do you feel that there are times, despite all the people around you, you still find yourself all alone? I don't mean physically alone, I mean the feeling you get when you cannot find someone to understand the way you feel or what you are going through.

Human life is huge roller-coaster of emotions; good and bad, ups and downs. We go through so much in life and it is good to have people around us to share it with. But the thing is, how much can you really share with others? How many times have you tried to pour out your emotions to someone, just to find that they cannot really grasp the exact way you feel? There is an explanation for this. No two people are the same.

We all have the tendancy to find someone to confide in whenever we feel sad or depressed. We share experiences with those close to us and often try to find comfort or solutions from them. But at the end of the day, how useful can those solutions be? How well can we convey how we feel to others and how accurately can they perceive our problems?
The thing is, whatever we go through in life is all individualized. Other people may have gone through something similar, but never the same. The situations are always different, no matter how similar they may be. Confused? Not really that confusing if you think about it (at least not to me). We tend to seek advise from people whom we think have gone through something similar (there's that word again), hoping that their experience can help shade some light to our situation. Well, no doubt it will, but not as much light as we hoped. Best case scenario, they can point us in the right direction. But the journey is still our own to make.
Now, it maybe a little depressing to read this, however true or untrue you find it. But then again, this is just me thinking out loud. The way I see it, with friends and family close to us, we will never be truly alone. But on the flip side, we will always never truly be not alone either.
"No man is an island". What do you think...?


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