Clueless Chronicles...

Thinking out loud...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The one with all the 'WHY's

Do you ever wonder why things happen in your life? Do you ever wonder why a person who begs for a new job and gets it is given a chance of a better job after accepting the first job? Do you ever wonder why a person would fall in love with another person only to find out that it wasn't meant to be? Do you every wonder why a person with such a good heart and soul would have to see go through the turmoil of seeing a loved one suffer for a terrible illness? You always hear or see in the movies that things happen for a reason, that there is always a silver lining behind every grey cloud.

But I for one, DO NOT see the silver lining. I do not understand why things happen the way it does, and I definitely do not know why things turn out the way it does. Things happen for a reason??? I am yet to see the reason for things to happen to me the way that it has. So I ask you this... Do you see the reason why...???

Friday, January 18, 2008

The one with the wedding reception

No... not mine... Hehehe...

Tomorrow is Bud's wedding reception, something that I guess she has been waiting and planning (and stressing out about) for a long time. I must say, looking at the somewhat limited wedding photos (*** hint hint ***) of Bud and her hubby, they make a really cute couple and they belong together. I do not know Kelvin well but for as long as I have know Bud, that's how long I have heard of Kelvin. I know that they are happy together and from the very bottom of my heart, I wish them all the happiness in the world forever and ever.

PS: Bud, just so you know, I am giving up laundry day and house chores to attend your wedding... hiyak hiyak hiyak...

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The one with the new hope

Someone asked me today, what did I achieve last year? To be honest, I don't think I achieved much at all last year. Of course I had my ups and downs throughout the year, but at the end of the day, there wasn't any particular event that made me wanna give myself a pat on the back. Looking back, I really feel that last year was not a very good year for me, regardless of which angle I try to look at it.
The good thing is, with a new year comes new hope; something to look forward. I don't really like to plan so far ahead so I really wouldn't know what's going to happen 6 months down the line. But what I do know is that I spent the last few days of last year tying up some loose ends, in anticipation of the year to come. These are just some of the things that I had to do before I can start a new year with a rejuvated spirit and with more drive for life than I had the past six months. With all that behind me, I can now look forward to new beginnings and hope for the best.
So, here's to a great year ahead....
PS: New year's resolution: Go to the gym more often than the last year...(yeah right!!)