The one with all the 'WHY's
Do you ever wonder why things happen in your life? Do you ever wonder why a person who begs for a new job and gets it is given a chance of a better job after accepting the first job? Do you ever wonder why a person would fall in love with another person only to find out that it wasn't meant to be? Do you every wonder why a person with such a good heart and soul would have to see go through the turmoil of seeing a loved one suffer for a terrible illness? You always hear or see in the movies that things happen for a reason, that there is always a silver lining behind every grey cloud.
But I for one, DO NOT see the silver lining. I do not understand why things happen the way it does, and I definitely do not know why things turn out the way it does. Things happen for a reason??? I am yet to see the reason for things to happen to me the way that it has. So I ask you this... Do you see the reason why...???
But I for one, DO NOT see the silver lining. I do not understand why things happen the way it does, and I definitely do not know why things turn out the way it does. Things happen for a reason??? I am yet to see the reason for things to happen to me the way that it has. So I ask you this... Do you see the reason why...???
At 8:41 PM,
Annice said…
If you do see the reasons, you won't ask WHY
At 7:20 AM,
forestfyre said…
Whether things happens for a reason, I don't know. But one thing I learnt along the way was, every decision that we make, at a certain point in life, are normally because:
1. That's the only option we have, or
2. That's the best that we can choose from.
Nobody will know what's gonna happen in the future, but, at least, at the moment we need to make a decision, we just make one, and we will try to make it the best one.
There's one Chinese saying, a gain may not be a gain eventually, a lost may turn out not a lost ultimately. (賽翁失馬, 焉知非福? 賽翁得馬, 焉知非禍?)If things are just beyond our control, all we can do is just to follow the flow...
A friend just recently told me, to 'Begin with and end in mind.' Knowing what we want to achieve in the end, we will know how we should pave our journey.
At 4:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
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